Thursday, January 21, 2010

10 things I like about Me!

1. I don't talk when I'm not sure about something.

2. I hate the feeling of regret. So for that reason, I avoid doing things which make me regret later in the future.

3. I do not use make up. So I don't have to spend buying cosmetics.

4. I help as much as I can.

5. I love my clothes. And I like the way I take care of my clothes.

6. I do not waste food. Atleast I try not to waste most of the times.

7. I like the fact that I'm very ambitious.

8. I have desire to learn, even if something is not too easy.

9. I accept my mistakes.

10. I stand for the people whom I like, who are or were my friends. I cant keep quite when public keep telling stories about my people. I cant be ignorant when my people are being ignored.

And.. now that's 10 things I like about myself! :)

1 comment:

  1. Five Things i like about you:

    1.Nothing(When you use it):This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and i should be on my toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in "fine".

    2.Fine:This is the word you use to end an argument when you are right and i need to shut up.

    3.Go Ahead(When you use):This is a dare, not permission. means Don't Do It!

    4.That's Okay(When you use):This is one of the most dangerous statements you make.That's okay means you want to think long and hard before deciding how i will pay for mistake, i did.

    5.Don't worry about it, I got it:Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that you have told me to do several times, but is now doing it yourself. This later results in me asking 'What's wrong?'
